Video Resource Library

Information You Need For Your Franchise Search
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A Note From Todd…

I want to encourage you to go through each of the videos on this page. They are short and to the point. Each one covers specific information that is critical for you to know and consider while doing your franchise research.

If you have any questions or would prefer to speak with me directly, please schedule an appointment. I’m delighted to help if I can!

Introduction To Franchise Ownership

An overview of how I help people investigate franchise ownership.

Benefits of a Franchise Advisor

Should you research a franchise yourself? Should you use an advisor? This video is designed to help you determine the best way to investigate franchise ownership.

Researching a Franchise – The Consultation

How should you start looking at franchise models? Many people start by requesting information before setting up a plan. This video discusses the benefits of a consultation and how it can help you better investigate franchise ownership.

Buy a Franchise – The Business Plan

Your business plan is the key first step into investigating a franchise. This is not a traditional business plan, but more of a thesis or map to help determine which models are best to help you achieve your goals and objectives. This can be helpful in not only selecting the best option but reduce the probability of a costly mistake.

Franchise Research – Your Business Plan

This video talks about your business plan and how this tool can help you investigate the best franchise options for you based on your goals and objectives. 

Reviewing Franchise Models – The Presentation

This video discusses how we present different franchise models based on your criteria. This is when the research process gets fun… and a little scary as things start to become real. No worries, take your time and research carefully. We will help guide you through each step!

Helpful Books for Franchise Research

There are a number of helpful books we recommend when investigating franchise and business ownership. This video talks about three important books we suggest to candidates who are seriously considering franchise ownership. This will help you with your research and help you determine the best option for you.

Key Attributes of a Successful Franchise

There are four key attributes in a successful franchise model. Corporate Culture, Number of Units, Metrics/Unit Economics and the Marketing Equation. This video provides specific details about the importance of these attributes and how to use them to investigate a franchise.

Franchise Ownership – The Importance of Culture

Is culture important in franchise research? How important are your values and way of being? This is often overlooked when people start looking at franchise ownership. Watch this video to learn more about cultural alignment and how it’s vital to your success as a franchise

You A Sales Person? Sales & Franchise Ownership

Are you comfortable with selling? If you’re not, business ownership could be problematic. That said, many folks misunderstand what sales is and how it can be done effectively. Watch this video to learn more. You may actually improve your sales by following this technique.

Sales / Belief in the Product – Franchise Ownership

I ask this question to all of my clients. If you believe in your product or service… would you be comfortable selling it? Watch this video to learn the importance of beliefs and how this impacts your ability to be a successful franchise owner.

Franchising – How to Target New Customers

Marketing and Advertising are the keys to your success in your business and any good franchise system. Without new customers, there are no sales, thus… no revenue. This video provides key insight into the targeting of your market. This should be helpful in your franchise research.

Franchising & The Marketing Equation

A good franchise model will have a clearly defined marketing strategy a plan. They will know their target customer, know how much to invest in marketing and know what marketing media to use. This video provides important details to help you with your franchise research.

You A Sales Person? Sales & Franchise Ownership

Are you comfortable with selling? If you’re not, business ownership could be problematic. That said, many folks misunderstand what sales is and how it can be done effectively. Watch this video to learn more. You may actually improve your sales by following this technique.

Franchising & The Importance of Sales Metrics (Part 1)

I ask this question to all of my clients. If you believe in your product or service… would you be comfortable selling it? Watch this video to learn the importance of beliefs and how this impacts your ability to be a successful franchise owner.

Franchising & The Importance of Sales Metrics (Part 2)

Sales metrics are an invaluable tool in managing your franchise business. This is a follow-up video that talks in more details as to how to use metrics to manage your business. Should be helpful with your franchise research.

Franchising – Average Revenue Per Customer

Understanding this metric is vital to researching a franchise. Watch this video to learn more.

Franchising and The FDD Items 1 – 4

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. This video covers Items 1 through 4. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

Franchise Research – Litigation

Litigation will happen from time to time in business. Is it simply the normal course of business? Or is it a recurring problem? Watch this video to learn more.

Franchising – The FDD – Item 6

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. This video covers Item 6. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

Franchising – The FDD Item – 7

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. This video covers Item 7. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

Franchising and the FDD – Item 12

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. This video covers Item 12. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

Franchising – FDD Item 19 – Financial Performance

Item 19 is the only place a franchise can disclose financial performance. This is one of the most critical parts of the FDD and must be reviewed carefully by you and a qualified franchise attorney.

Franchise Research – The FDD – Item 20

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is required by law to be disclosed during your franchise research. This video covers Item 20 which provides details of the growth of the system as well as people who have closed their doors. We always recommend having a qualified franchise attorney review prior to signing.

Franchise Research – Speaking with Franchisors

Now comes the fun part! Speaking with franchisors we’ve discussed. This video provides some helpful tips to assist in your discussions.

Franchise Research – Visiting Franchise Locations

Once you have identified a model of interest, at some point you will want to visit locations and meet with owners. This video discusses some tips to get the most out of your site visits.

Franchise Discovery Day

The big day! This is when you travel to visit the franchisor and meet at their headquarters. This video provides some tips to get the most out of your discovery day.

Franchise Research – Dealing with FEAR

Fear will set in at some point during your research. It’s normal and will protect you. This video provides some tips to help you address your fear and allow it to help with your franchise investigation.

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130 Shore Road, Suite 133, Port Washington, NY 11050-2205